University Of Perpetual Help System

Perpetual Medical college - University Of Perpetual Help System DALTA was founded on February 5, 1975. It has 3 major campuses in Las Pinas, Molino and Calamba with student population of around 15,000 students and employs about 1,500 teaching and non-teaching staff. The University provide students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills and community engagement through public service opportunities and student organizations. It also has a Medical Center in Las Piňas City.

    DMSF is a 40 year old medical college and is recognised by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
    Proven Quality Education.
    In Campus Accommodation with Indian Food.
    No Donation & Affordable Tuition Fees.
    MCI/WHO Listed University.
    UPHSD Medical Centre Affiliatd With Leading Hospitals.
    LAS Pinas Campus Spread Over 6 Hectares.
    Leading With Indian Medical Students.

Doctor of Medicine

The University of Perpetual Help System Dalta – JONELTA Foundation School of Medicine is a thriving community of educators, scientists, clinicians, students, and even lawyers working together to educate, learn, discern, heal, and serve. The curriculum promotes exhaustive research, collaborative learning, and individual initiative by providing a strong basic science preparation and extensive clinical experiences. Our main purpose is to promote compassionate, ethical, and competent medical practitioners ready to help people achieve healthy productive lives, advance knowledge in the medical sciences, and be informed advocates of change for a lifetime of achievement in the field of medicine.

Junior Business High School

Grade school graduates With Highest Honors students will be given a 100% discount on Tuition Fee, graduates With High Honors will be given 75% discount on Tuition Fee only; and graduates With Honors will be given 50% discount on Tuition Fee from a class of not less than forty (40) students upon presentation of a certificate with the school seal Principal. The validity period is for one year only.
Students ranked No.1 in each Year Level (1st to 3rd Year) at the end of the school year will be given a 100% discount on Tuition Fee upon enrollment in the next Year Level.

Senior High School

Junior High School graduates With Highest Honors students will be given a 100% discount on Tuition Fee, graduates With High Honors will be given 75% discount on Tuition Fee; and graduates With Honors will be given 50% discount on Tuition Fee from a class of not less than forty (40) students upon presentation of a certificate with the school seal Principal. The validity period is for one year only.
Students who were able to maintain the grade requirement of 88% in all courses will continue to enjoy the scholarship grant with the same terms and conditions as stated above.