Temporary Visa Application Processes

NZ Immigration Consultant’s experienced immigration advisers will assist you at each step of the visa application process.

We know that applying for temporary or residence visas is an expensive and time-consuming task that you want to get right first time. We also understand that our clients seek confidence in their chances of success, before committing to the process. At NZ Immigration your application will be in the hands of our team of experienced licensed immigration advisers. Our processes are geared to ensure that your application is assessed and managed in a professional and timely manner, so that you get the best chance of a successful outcome.

Temporary Entry Visa Applications

1.First meeting or telephone call

There is no charge for this first contact. During this process we can understand your requirements, background and current circumstances. We can give you a high level initial assessment to see if it’s worth you continuing the process. You can phone us or set up a meeting in our offices.

2. After the agreement is signed

As per our licensing requirements, we are obliged to have a written agreement with our clients before we can provide immigration advice. Once the agreement is signed we will direct you in all your documentation requirements and direct you as to the exact requirements you need to meet in order for your application to be successful.

3. Liaison with Immigration New Zealand

At all times we will act as your Liaison with Immigration New Zealand and represent your best interests. However, the onus is on the client to provide us with truthful information and to obtain the documentation required for the submission.


Our fees are dependent on the complexity of the application. Fees are always agreed upon in advance in the signed contract, so there are no surprises. We will always quote individually to make sure that the fees are fair and reasonable given the particular circumstances of the case.

The guidelines for our fee range (exclusive of GST) are as follows (these are for single applicants – however we do have very competitive rates for temporary visas for family members of the principal applicant): Visitor Visas

NZ$900 – NZ$1,900, depending on whether the applicant is already in New Zealand or still offshore and taking into consideration the complexity of some visitor visa applications. Business and Investors

Individually priced according to the level of expertise required by the client, and whether business plans are to be included or not.
Student Visas

NZ$900 – NZ$1,900 depending on whether the student visa is for a dependent child or an international student and whether the applicant is in New Zealand or offshore. Ministerial Appeals or Appeals to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal

Individually priced according to the complexity of the case.
Work Visas

NZ$1,500 – NZ$2,500, depending on whether labour market tests are required and the complexity of the visa application as well as whether the applicant is in New Zealand or offshore.

Please note that Immigration New Zealand application fees/levies and other costs such as medicals, police clearances, translations etc. are not included in the above consultancy fees. A full list of anticipated disbursements will be provided in our written agreement so that the client is able to budget accurately.